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The Aneros, the key to the 7th male heaven

Looking for the Super-O? For a fabulous and unprecedented pleasure? Or maybe the perfect prostate massager? You've come to the right place. On this page dedicated to the Aneros massager, you are in the presence of the Grail of male orgasm.

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Prostate pleasure, a new pleasure?

Male pleasure, which some people still think is reduced to the ejaculation of the penis, is conquering new territories. New? Not really. Anal or prostatic pleasure, which is more powerful and intense than ejaculatory orgasm, has been known and enjoyed by men all over the world since ancient times. Those who know, know.

Despite the fact that it has remained unknown, it is now coming out of the shadows and gaining new followers every day. It is no longer associated only with the sexual orientation of the individual and sharpens the curiosity of more and more men.

How was born the Aneros, the sextoy expert of the male orgasm?

Because yes, here, it is indeed a sextoy for men we are talking about. And this one is not intended to cuddle his penis.

The prostatic massager is originally a device with therapeutic destination. Created in 1996 by the company Aneros, it is designed and used to fight against the effects of prostatitis, by reducing the inflammation of the prostate, and thus limit the risk of cancer related to this organ. The feedback from patients undergoing treatment is enthusiastic and testifies to a double unexpected effect: a previously unknown sensation titillates them... Against all odds, the therapy has become a source of pleasure!

It will be necessary to wait a few more years before the object is marketed as an anal sextoyit will be a few years before the object is marketed as an anal sextoy, with the help of Nathalie Giraud Desforges, sex therapist, and Adam, sex blogger. The latter, a well-known blogger, has written a treatise on the subject, a complete guide to the use of the prostate massager, based on his own experience and that of many other users.

Is prostate orgasm a pleasure like no other?

To that, we say: yes!

The prostate is a small gland, about the size of a walnut, located above the anus, behind the rectum. Its role is to secrete prostatic fluids, which once mixed with sperm in the seminal vesicles, will facilitate its transport to the uterine cervix.

Correctly stimulated by the prostate massager, this small organ can lead, with the help of alternating relaxation and contractions of the muscles surrounding the anus, to a very strong orgasm. However, the prostate stimulator is not in the same category as an anal plugor a dildo. Its effectiveness is not linked to the penetration movement, but rather to the contraction, voluntary or not, of the sphincters. The latter, through the movements it imparts to the prostate stimulator, massages the internal and external regions from the perineum to the anus, thanks to the particular ergonomics of the Aneros. It is the stimulation of this prodigiously erogenous zone, and more particularly the pressure exerted on the prostate, that allows the triggering of the prostate orgasm, the Super-O. This orgasm is different from the one resulting from the stimulation of the penis because it is non-ejaculatory, without any refractory period, and therefore, possibly... multiple.

Is male anal pleasure a taboo that tends to disappear?

Once again, the answer is yes!

The anal area still suffers from some prejudices. Hygiene remains a sensitive issue for some people, not wishing to see their sexuality mixed with this area of the body. Can a taboo be discussed? In a healthy communication between partners, absolutely. This does not mean that the partner who is subject to the taboo must give in! It only implies that these issues can be discussed in a new light, which can move the lines. Free and informed consent remains a non-negotiable condition.

Second taboo, and not the least, the reluctance of heterosexual men to be penetrated. The idea that they sometimes have of the "virile necessity" incumbent upon them can hinder them in the search for their own pleasure. Stereotypes have a hard skin! However, we can see that mentalities are evolving more and more, as the new generations, more open, are freeing themselves from the representation of heterosexuality in our society, which is still very much linked to the sole penetration of the woman by the man. Because he is supposed to be the dominating element of the carnal relationship that is created, the man is put in scene, in this culture of the sex a little archaic, playing of his penis as of a conductor's baton. He launches the symphony, gives the tempo, until the last movement. Curtain. Accepting the idea of no longer considering the sexual act only as an extension of one's dominating nature is a path that requires, for some, a little time. But it's worth it! A pleasure that many describe as so powerful that it takes their legs and breath away, is worth exploring. If you are on this page, you have probably started, if not completed, your reflection on the subject. Welcome!

Apart from a mind-blowing orgasm, what benefits can the Aneros prostate massager provide?

This sextoy can be used during a self-masturbation session, for a solitary and intense anal pleasure. Ideal to decompress from a difficult day, or to enjoy a moment of total well-being... And to familiarize yourself, gently and intimately, with anal penetration. If your experience in this area is at a standstill, or if you consider yourself a novice, then it will be necessary to start by awakening this part of your anatomy. It may take a few tries before you reach orgasm, or prostate orgasms. Yes, multiple male orgasms, like female orgasms, are possible! Take the knowledge accumulated by many other men before you from the treatise on aneros, and... Follow the guide. You won't regret this trip!

And as a couple? Can we? Of course you can! First of all, because your partner participates fully, because it is the occasion to be accomplices, attentive, and actors, together, of a shared pleasure. The icing on the cake is that stimulation of the prostate during the act allows for a longer lasting erection. No questioning, therefore, of the notion of performance or virility so dear to some. At the same time, the couple gains a rebalancing of roles, with the possibility for both to understand the intensity of the sensations experienced. The Super-O (for Super Orgasm), a little name so evocative of the prostatic orgasm, is indeed similar in its manifestation and its power to the clitoral orgasm... What could be better for the two partners than to be no longer compartmentalized, each in his own category of pleasure, but well united to enjoy together and as intensely?

Other opportunities to use the Aneros prostate massager?

During a bdsm session, the use of the prostate massager is very appropriate. Combine it with the scenes that come straight from your imagination... And other practices, such as bdsm bondage. Giving your partner permission to penetrate you is a strong indicator of trust and total abandonment. In a bdsm oriented relationship, trust between partners is key. Putting your pleasure in his hands will allow him to play a new role, between domination and complicity. By playing with the rhythm, the movements or the vibrations, you give him the chance to give you a powerful prostate orgasm.

On our online fetish store Démonia, you will find a whole range ofbdsm accessories dedicated entirely to the realization of your fantasies Handcuffs, swift, gags, headbands... From the most sensual to the most audacious, they will accompany you in the discovery of the fetish universe. The prostate stimulator will naturally find its place there. You will also find other types of sex toys dedicated to anal pleasure, more classical, such as dildo or anal plug. These will provide you with a different sensation of pleasure, which will complement your experience with the Aneros prostate stimulator.

What are the characteristics of the range offered by Aneros?

The Aneros range offers several models adapted to your level: beginner, regular or experienced user. The shapes and sizes vary according to your needs or your level of awareness of prostate stimulation. They are designed to massage the prostate, but also the entire erogenous zone around your perineum and your anus, thanks to the arms at the base of the massager. Do not hesitate, during your masturbation sessions with your Aneros massager, to vary the contractions of your perineal area. To this end, you will find many tips and feedback from other men who have tested the prostate stimulator in the Aneros treatise.

The material used in Aneros sex toys is unbreakable medical plastic without phthalates. It guarantees a great sensation of softness. You can play, depending on the model, with the size, width and ergonomics. It's up to you to discover which Aneros prostate stimulator is right for you! And for those who like to have a very strong sensation, a vibrating model with remote control completes the range. However, make sure you have enough practice before adopting this one..

Don't hesitate, if it reassures you, to equip yourself with a enema bulb in order to keep your rectum clean and maintain optimal hygiene conditions. Anal pleasure also requires a comfort far from any sensation of pain. Use lubricationuse water-based or silicone-based lubrication, dare to try both, or the special anal lubricant to ensure an incredible experience with your Aneros prostate massager!