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The "gift wishlist" allows you to get gifts from your fans

You share a simple link like:

Your gifts are sent directly by Demonia without your fans knowing your personal information.

In this guide, you will find all the steps you need to follow to create your wish list and share it with your community who will be happy to offer you the products you have selected.

Step 1: Create your account

A - Already ordered from

Your account already exists and we can create a wishlist for you with this account: contact our teams to transform your current account into a wishlist account. You will then be able to benefit from it and continue using your account as usual.

B - Never ordered from Dè before?

Create your account:

  • Click on "account",

  • Enter your personal information and choose the type of account "wishlist gifts":

Compte Wishlist

  • Fill in the fields needed to create your wishlist,

  • Accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy to proceed to the next step. Any creation of an account will be submitted to the validation of our teams as soon as possible.

Check your delivery address

For a smooth delivery, make sure you enter one or more addresses of your choice to receive your gift at the desired address (only Dèmonia will know this address to process your packages).

Ajouter ma première adresse

Step 2: Add items to your list

For this step, make sure you are logged in with your account.

Then, browse our site and click on "Add to my wishlist" when a product appeals to you.


Step 3: Share your wishlist

Manage your wishlist by clicking on the icon of your account, then selecting "Manage my influencer wishlist". The products you have selected for your list will be found here.


You can now click on "COPY PUBLIC LINK TO SHARE".

Copiez votre lien wishlist

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Demonia Team.