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The store of the muse's necklaces

French brand SM necklaces dedicated to the BDSM universe

La Boutique des Colliers de Muse is a French brand dedicated to the BDSM universe for a little over a decade.

It is to this universe that Muse holds its inspiration, necklaces, bracelets, constraints, harnesses.

All her creations are in the image of this magnificent world of Bdsm, sensual like leather, strong and perennial like stainless steel.

It also happens to use lace, satin or jewelry and stainless steel.

All his creations are handmade
are handmade (made in France)

A beautiful adventure that inspires him every day a little more.

We wish you an excellent discovery.

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items

This is the world that inspires Muse: necklaces, bracelets, restraints, harnesses...

All her creations reflect the magnificent world of Bdsm, sensual like leather, strong and durable like stainless steel.

She also sometimes uses lace, satin or jewelry and stainless steel.

All her creations are handmade (made in France)
are handmade (made in France)

A wonderful adventure that inspires her every day.

We wish you an excellent discovery.